Expanding young horizons through language, music, movement and art…
Cultural ProgramsExpanding young horizons through language, music, movement and art…
Cultural ProgramsNote: The following programs represent “normal times”. During the pandemic, we need to be flexible and creative with these activities. Please inquire to learn more about what we currently offer.
We are pleased to offer several wonderful creative enrichment experiences which are integrated into our Creative and Emergent Curriculum. These programs are tailored to the needs and abilities of children at each level, further enriching their overall learning experience, at no extra cost.
We offer an engaging approach that inspires your child to explore a new language and begin speaking…en Español! Our approach assimilates music, movement, and fun games to build vocabulary and confidence. Additionally, the Willow and Azalea classrooms offer daily afternoon Spanish lessons. Our Aspen Classroom also has a Spanish lesson every week. These children come away with a beginning foundation and understanding of the Spanish language.
Each classroom provides weekly music lessons that integrate musical themes like rhythm, tempo, and movement into the curriculum. There are designated “music times” throughout each day, where students are encouraged to express themselves through dance or singing. Students also have access to classroom instruments that they can explore on their own, or with a friend to create their own melodies.
Creative Movement
Our movement program leads your child through heart-pounding, smile-inducing, attention-grabbing programs of movement and fun! Grounded in frameworks of Yoga, athletics, and dance, Creative Movement builds body awareness, confidence, and offers your child a fun and healthy environment in which to discover their own unique forms of self-expression.
Famous Artist/Author of the Month
Each month we feature a new artist or author, around which classroom projects and activities are developed to teach key concepts. The work of each artist or author is presented as a means to enrich your child’s experience and understanding, and to provide a foundation for future study of classic art and literature.
Contact Us to learn more and visit our beautiful facilities!