Parents and Our Community
Parents and Our Community
Children, parents, administration and classroom staff all blend together to form the West Hills Learning Center community.
Within our community parents have many roles and responsibilities, including educating themselves about their children’s development, learning about the Center’s policies, attending parent/family events, and participating in volunteer opportunities.
It is by working and sharing together that we create a secure and enriched learning environment for the children in our community to thrive.

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Ways to be involved:
Here are few of the many opportunities for parents to become involved in the activities of the school. Many of these special events invite participation of all ages from the youngest toddler to the oldest family member.
Celebrations (guests invited):
- Valentine’s Day
- Week of The Young Child
- Earth Day Celebration
- Independence Day Parade
- Classroom Observations
- Fall and Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Student Portfolios and Developmental Records
- Parent Education Evenings
Family Social Events:
- Open Houses
- Ice Cream Social
- Family Picnic
- Family Brunch
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Field Trip Chaperone
- Sharing a Talent or Profession
- Classroom Special Projects
- Gardening/Planting Projects
- Creative Arts
- Reading to the children
- Parent Classroom Liaison
- Bake Sale
- Multnomah Days Parade